She-Hulk will have a season 2?

Since She-Hulk ended today with a high note, fans, of course, want to know when there will be more. Jennifer Walters has left a definitive brand in the MCU, and it seems that everyone has exactly the same question. This is what we know about if She-Hulk will have a 2 season.

* Light spoilers at the end of the She-Hulk season below ***

Will there be a season 2 of She-Hulk?

At present, there has been no official news about She-Hulk obtaining a second season **. Until now, the only Marvel program that officially has a second season in process is Loki, but there are many reasons to think that She-Hulk could be the second to receive that honor.

The end of She-Hulk focused on metatheses, and much of the humor was aimed at a next second season of She-Hulk. While it is easy to rule out all this as only jokes, this remains the most (goal or not) than any program that is not from Loki has obtained in terms of clues about a monitoring season.

She-Hulk was the first to break the mold and have episodes of only 30 minutes, which facilitated the binge if the spectators were not up-to-date. This could easily mean that a second season of She-Hulk with green light would have a faster change than something like Moon Knight. However, that is just speculation on our part.

For now, this is all to know about if She-Hulk will have a 2 season. We will absolutely update this guide every time we know more about She-Hulk's future.

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