Overwatch 2: What is the best character in the game? Blizzard answers the most repeated question

When it comes to playing qualifying games, the community of Overwatch 2 is not so different from that of the rest of the video games. The goal is always trying to win and for this it is best to use the strongest characters of metajuego. However, it is not so easy to discover what are the heroes that best offer during the games . The pages that collect statistics have run out of data after the launch of the new title, and we can barely trust our sensations. However, from Activision-Blizzard they wanted to answer the great doubt of the community.

The strongest heroes of Overwatch 2 in season 1


Making the first review of the state of Overwatch 2 when just ten days have passed since their relaunch, the developers have wanted to share which are the best characters in each of the three categories available in the title. This is calculated using the data of all classified clashes in which there is no mirror effect. That is, you only take into account the games in which a hero appears in a team without being repeated on the contrary. For example, when the attackers have chosen Tracer and the defending team does not have that hero as DPS.

With this criterion, these are the best Overwatch 2 characters as Confirmed Activision Blizzard.

As we can see in the table, Overwatch 2 developers have not been especially concrete. However, they do offer interesting clues. The most useful is related to tanks, where we could all wait for the absolute dominance of Oriya. However, they are Reinhardt , Zara and Sigma who stand out in this category. From the company they have not wanted to particularize, but they have assured that the three together have an average of victories around 53%. This places them as the best in the entire video game and the perfect options for this position. We feel fans of D.VA, although it is very popular, it is not at such a high level.

Fewer alternatives we have in relation to the role of DPS or healing. On the heroes of these two categories, the company has only wanted to mention two. On the one hand there is Genii , which has 52% victories. On the other, Kirk . This new character has debuted with great foot in the qualifying games and continues to improve his performance as the days progress and the players acquire experience. In fact, balance adjustments are expected to arrive to stop your feet as the community will be able to raise its numbers a little more.

From Activision-Blizzard they have also wanted to mention honor. The most prominent took her Symmetry and Bjorn . These two characters may not be so good in themselves. However, as they are the best against Genii and are seeing how his rate increases continuously by making 'Counter' to the best DPS. Fewer explanations have the case of shadow, which they simply consider too frustrating and candidate to receive adjustments when the first season of the Hero Shooter ends. The objective is to make more changes than the strictly necessary until then , since they want to give time to the tactics evolving.

In this sense and even again notice, we may have to take advantage of these characters. However, always with an eye on the appearance of his counts. If Shadow, for example, becomes the most popular hero, perhaps we have to leave Reinhardt and bet on other heroes less dependent on a skill. In addition, it should be remembered that it is very important to feel comfortable with the unit we use. In this sense, It is a very good idea to prepare a little in fast games to learn to dominate them before jumping to the qualifiers.


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