Forza Horizon 5 XP Boards - All XP Boards Locations in Mexico

Fora Horizon 5 XP Boards are one of the collectibles scattered in Mexico and how almost Travel Boards you have to go into you. In Fora Horizon 5, there are 200 almost Travel board locations that you can chase, some of which are hidden in hard to find places.

While they look like Fora Horizon 5 Fast Travel Boards, the XP boards offer XP lumps to pass through 1,000 to 5,000 XP. Although you do not receive a reward, if you find them all, but in the course of the course you will receive hundreds of thousands of XP points as well as the success complete collection. So it s a lengthy collecting hunt for those who like to delete a card.

Continue reading a collection of all locations of the Fora Horizon 5 XP Boards so that you can improve your favorite car and can unlock new skills.

Fora horizon 5 XP boards

There are 200 XP boards in Fora Horizon 5, which can be found on open fields, along main roads and hiding on roofs and behind buildings.

You will not appear on your map until you approach you. So if you want you to display on your map, you must buy forza horizon 5 treasure maps from the Microsoft Store.

Forza Horizon 5 - Bonus Boards Locations Guide (w/ Downloadable Map) - XP and Fast Travel Boards

Fora Horizon 5 XP card locations

The 200 XP boards are usually easy to recognize. However, some XP boards require some driving skills and stunt performance at a high level to meet them.

If you are looking for each board, Mrwillifthor put together a video that shows all 200 locations for Fora Horizon 5 XP boards in Mexico. If you prefer to see her in card form, a user has highlighted at Reddit all highlighted forza horizon 5 XP boards on a map.

Are you also interested in topics related to Forza Horizon Games?

This covers all sites of the Fora Horizon 5 XP Boards. If you need help with the search for the Fora Horizon 5 Fast Travel Boards, read our guide and our complete solution of all Fora Horizon 5 barn finds.


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