Kim Byung Wook Virtual asset taxation lack of preparation... 1 year grace

The National Assembly Policy Committee is a secretary of the Democratic Virtual Assets Task Force (TF) Team Kansa Kim Byung Wook, a member of Kim Byung Wook, he said.

Kim said, We must go to the shares for one year, and go with the stock market (transfer income tax) policy for a year,

In accordance with the revision of the 2020 tax law, the government will be taxed as 20% over 250,000 won for more than 2500,000 positive profits by classifying virtual assets as other income on January 1 next year. For stock trading, transfer income taxes are imposed on transactionary profits from 2023 to more than 50 million won. Compared to the stock trading, virtual asset trading taxation is also a tightening period and basic deductions, and the basic deductions were written steadily since the release of revision.

On this day, Kim emphasized that the virtual asset taxation is needed to have yet to be prepared and has not been able to do so.

Kim said, I agree basically to the tax principle that there is taxation where the income is taxed, but the current virtual asset is not well established. He points out that the taxation scope and classification can vary depending on the virtual asset definition, and the conceptual definition was not even basic.

Kim said, The taxation should be achieved by a sufficient social consensus at the level of the taxpayer s common sense, as as the taxpayer is directly affected by the privilege of the people, and said, However, I did not have to be able to prepare, and many problems have been raised in the equity level.

The actual bank real name account is obtained by acquiring the account, and two of the four exchanges that can be transactions, there are still not reporting virtual asset business businesses.

Kim said, In the situation where the report might be when it may be, it is not possible to build an infrastructure for the taxation of the two months.

Kim said, The execution of stakeful taxation is only called the taxpayer s taxpayer, said the legislation passes through the legislation, which can create a sound market while protecting the taxpayer, The virtual asset taxation) emphasized that it is pure and common sense.

Kim, a member of the Democratic Virtual Assets, TF and Division Asked by Democratic Ask, and the Correction of the Democratic Party, and a concern about the process of taxation without a social consensus.

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The Minister of Economy and the Minister of Economy, and the Minister of Strategy and Finance, the Minister of Economic and Minister of Economy, said, The taxation policy is in a regular parliament last year, and the government has ended his head and the head of the virtual asset market, In the case of taxation equity, the problem is serious,


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