Forza Horizon 5 - How to turn off the narrator

The narrator of Fora Horizon 5 has its use in the opening hours of the game, if you can find yourself in Mexico, but after you have said a few hours when you should go, you may want to go to the radio in peace with the radio The many secrets of Fora Horizon 5.

In Fora Horizon 5, the narrator tells you where you need to go, acts as GPS and gives you directions. However, if the voice is activated, you will be informed about each turn and road that you need to drive away — a bit like a navigation device. As you can imagine, this can be quite annoying on your way from waypoint to waypoint.

So if you ask how we ask how you can turn off the narrator in Fora Horizon 5, we have all answers. Continue reading for everything you need to know Fora Horizon 5 Narrator Disable Settings So you can achieve the best experience from the auditory view without having to do without anything else.

Fora horizon 5 turns off voice output

The The GPS voice of the Fora Horizon 5 narrative can be deactivated by setting the Settings menu and set the GPS language option on the Audio tab to Off. If you disable this option, the narrator is turned off, so you can focus on the excellent soundtrack of the game while looking for barn finds, player houses or drift in the best car in Fora Horizon 5.

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How to Turn off Narrator ► Forza Horizon 5

Learn how to turn off the narrator in Fora Horizon 5. Further, help in finding the best settings and vehicles for the game can be found in our overview of the fastest car in Fora Horizon 5 and where you can find all XP boards and fast-travel boards.


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