Teso: DLC Waking Flame and Update 31 for consoles appeared

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Update from 09. September: The Elder Scrolls Online: Waking Flame is now available on all console platforms (Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, Playstation 4 and Playstation 5)! The update includes two challenging new lease, which contribute its own unique part to the action of gates of Oblivion . This update also includes Update 31, a free update of the basic game for all Teso players, which contains a whole crowd changes and improvements for the game. More about Waking Flame and Update 31 will be found in this article .

Original message of 19 August: In the third quarter of 2021, the next act of the history of Oblivion s history awaits us for The Elder Scrolls online. The new license challenges as well as update enhancements will be published on August 23 for PC / Mac and Stadia. The release date of Teso (Buy Now 69.95 €): Waking Flame for Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 was originally planned for the 31st of August .

Now, however, it is clear that the console players have to wait a little longer. On the official site of The Elder Scrolls Online, Zenimax s development team informs the players that the publication of the new DLC for consoles will be postponed on September 8. Thus, the developers primarily want to relieve the customer service team and make sure that everything works smoothly at the start of September.

In the official announcement of Zenimax is:

To ensure the easy and stable release as possible, we decided to publish The Elder Scrolls Online: Waking Flame and Update 31 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 on September 8 too move. By dragging our publication for PC / Mac / Stadia and the consoles for another week, we hope to ensure that we can offer the best possible gaming experience by keeping the opportunity to incorporate necessary post-corrections before we publish the new content. This change also takes some of our customer service teams some burden from the shoulders, so they can better focus on the individual publications. Please note that Waking Flame and Update 31 for PC / Mac / Stadia will continue on August 23.

We thank you for your ownership and patience, while we want to ensure that we can guarantee you the best possible experience for all new adventures and updates. See you on 8 September in Tamriel!

The story of goals of Oblivion continues

Waking Flame is a dungeon DLS to which as usual, two 4-player dungeons include: the horror cellar and red blossoms. Both night is available in the normal and in a veteran version, with the highest level of difficulty attracting unique rewards. Waking Flame builds on the plot of the last chapter blackwood and thus forms the connector to the story final, which expects us in the fourth quarter of 2021. You will receive the DLC either as a single purchase in the crown shop or about the monthly ESO plus subscription. More information about Waking Flame and Update 31 can be found in this comprehensive article .

ESO Solo Gameplay (The Elder Scrolls Online Skyrim)

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