Rainbow Six Victories Update 2.112 Patchotes

Update 2.12 has arrived for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Victories, and here is the complete list of changes and corrections added to this patch. The Y6S3 update marks the beginning of the Crystal Guard Operation, which brings a new attack operator together with card revisions and balance adjustments. Crystal Guard brings some serious changes to Rainbow Six victories, including replacing the operator armor by HP, adapting the elite uniform and a new character lighting. Everything is new with Rainbow Six Victories Update 2.12.

Rainbow Six Victories Update 2.12 Patnotes

Revise the card

Bank, Coastline and Clubhouse were rebuilt from scratch to improve balance, environmental destruction, sound propagation and lighting. Bank, one of the oldest maps of Rainbow Six Victory, has remained largely untouched over the years. With the changes this season, all three maps now meet today's technical standards and bank has received a complete revision of the graphic. Some of the most important changes to each card will be described below.


  • Ext Boulevard vehicles were relocated to new places to prevent discharge elimination.
  • Some skylights ext Low Roof and Ext High Roof were blocked to prevent unfair fire videos.
  • The line of sight into the ext Back Alley was adjusted to avoid spawn tips.
  • Ext Terrace has been updated to prevent spawn tips.
  • File cabinets between 1F ATMs and 1F lobby were removed to prevent light shots on the inner balcony.
  • All metal rods were removed from B Vault to facilitate the shooting.
  • A new alley named Ext Side Alley combines the ext Boulevard and the ext Back Alley.
  • Hatch in 1F lobby now leads to B Vault.
  • The railing in the 2F Skylight Stairwell is now destructible.


  • The line of sight into the Ext Rooftop building was partially blocked to prevent unfair fire habits.
  • Some windows in 1F Courtyard are now blocked and all open windows can be barricaded.
  • A new 1F reception bomb site replaces the 1F service input bomb site location.
  • The 1F service input is now located between the 1F reception bomb location location and the outer door, which prevents defenders from being able to place the defective directly on the outer door.
  • The outer wall in the 2F VIP Lounge is now fragile and the players can rake off the EXT DJ Booth.


  • 1f floor Room bomb location was removed and there are now two bombing locations in the 1f bar, one behind the bar and one beside the stage.
  • Between the bar and the stage in 1f bar, a door opening was added.
  • The bar area in 1f bar new props have been added.
  • A path now combines Ext Kennels and Ext Graffiti Area.

Elite customization

Players can now equip every headgear with an elite uniform and any uniform with an elite headgear as long as they are both in possession of the same operator and belong to it.

HP replaces armor

The armor of the operator was converted into health (HP). 3 armor operators have 125 HP, 2 armor operators have 110 HP and 1-Armor operators have 100 HP.

game acquisition

Mutual rim light

  • By default, opponents are now highlighted with a marginal light, preventing unfair camouflage. This interface setting can be deactivated in the options menu.

DBNO rating

  • Players are now receiving a kill score when they reflect or completely eliminate an opponent. Players receive an assist score when eliminating an opponent who was already depressed by a teammate. Note: The Kill Feed indicates the name of the last player who has harmed the opponent, regardless of whether he has received a kill or support or not.
  • The DBNO scoring event has been removed. This prevents players from receiving unfair information if they resume an opponent, which is not in their line of line.



  • Twitch now controls a standard drone during the preparation phase. Your shock drone will be equipped during the action phase. It now jumps and fires lasers that destroy enemy devices instead of deactivating them.

IQ revision

  • The IQ's electronics detector is now equipped with the PING-SYSTEM 2.0, which allows it to detect and ping electronic devices through walls, including those kept from operators, such as counter-defibration and Vigils ERC. 7.

Mute changes

  • The effect range of courage signal disruptor is now spherical instead of cylindrical, and the device lights up when it is active.

FUZE changes

  • Fuze's Cluster Charge can now be used on reinforced surfaces. If you are triggered, the subgranates need extra time to pass reinforced surfaces while passing soft surfaces immediately.

Changes in flash recognition

Everything You NEED To Know About Operation Crystal Guard - Rainbow Six Siege

  • Yings Candela, Lightning G52-Tactical Shield and the stunning grenades use a new flash recognition system that calculates the flash duration. It takes into account the environment and angle of the explosion as well as the removal and alignment of the players. This means that when an operator is affected, it always flashes with 100%, but the duration changes each time, thereby increasing the reliability of the flash effect.

Operator price reduction

For five operators, their prices will be adapted during Crystal Guard, starting with Maverick and Clash, whose prices are to be sinked to 10,000 or 240 R6 credits. Next, Amaru and Goyo follow with a reduced price of 15,000 and 360 R6 credits. Last but not least, Zero costs 20.000 view or 480 R6 credits. Make sure you add them to your personal list!

seasonal weapons kins

This season offers an explosion of colors in a kaleidoscopic pattern. Purchase the holographic bundle to become a visual masterpiece.

The Waffenskin will be released at the start of the season and can be bought throughout the season. Once unlocked, it remains in your inventory indefinitely in your inventory and can be applied to all available weapons.

Operating compensation

These changes are broken down in our upcoming designer's Notes blog post and explained detailed.

AK-12 (ASS and FUZE)

  • Increased kick at the first shot.
  • Increased vertical recoil.
  • The horizontal scattering is now stronger and more constant.
  • The long recoil starts now at the 10th ball instead of the 12th ball.


  • Splitter grenade replaces heavy breakdown load.


  • SMG-11 removed.


  • Magazine capacity of OTS-03 increased to 15 balls (from 10).


  • 2.0x riflescope from G63C removed.
  • 2.5x riflescope from ARX200 removed.


  • Twitch now controls a standard drone during the preparation phase. Your shock drone will be equipped during the action phase. It now jumps and fires lasers that destroy enemy devices instead of deactivating them.
  • Note: The collision size of the shock drone was adjusted and therefore fits no longer through 6 drone openings. Level design works on correcting this. The affected ventilation openings are drawn on the following cards:
    • Channel - 2F printer room
    • Channel - B1 bathroom
    • Oregon - 1F Shower Corridor
    • Oregon - 1f small tower
    • Border - 1F bathroom
    • Border - 1f main lobby


  • The IQ's electronics detector is now equipped with the PING-SYSTEM 2.0, which allows it to detect and ping electronic devices through walls, including those kept from operators, such as counter-defibration and Vigils ERC. 7.


  • The effect range of courage signal disruptor is now spherical instead of cylindrical, and the device lights up when it is active.
  • The range of action is displayed for 2.5 seconds after completion of the insert.
  • The collision of balls is more accurate because the antennas and handles of the device were added to the collision.


  • Fuze's Cluster Charge can now be used on reinforced surfaces.
  • If you are triggered, the subgranates need extra time to pass reinforced surfaces while passing soft surfaces immediately.

Improvements & Improvements


Changes in flash recognition

  • Yings Candela, Lightning G52-Tactical Shield and the stunning grenades use a new flash recognition system that calculates the flash duration. It takes into account the environment and angle of the explosion as well as the removal and alignment of the players.
  • This means that if an operator is affected, it always flashes with 100%, but the duration changes each time, thereby increasing the reliability of the flash effect.

game acquisition

Report according to the action

  • The report according to the action contains updated art representations on each tab. The information on the Battle Pass and Pack tabs are more specific and clearer.

Shop - Esports

  • A free gift (ESPORTS package) can be purchased in the category Esports of the shop.
  • Esports packages have added new items.

Display area

  • Players can now scales the display area of ​​the menu and the HUD in the game. These options are in the section Display of the Options menu.

Weapon magazines

  • The number of ammitions for primary and secondary weapons has been adjusted to set a uniform magazine ammition range for each type of weapon type.


  • The damage waste for every primary weapon type (except shotguns with scattered balls) has been adjusted to have consistent, linear curves.
  • Uniform damage waste for silencers (15%) for all primary weapons (except shotgun with scattered balls).

Team bombardment

  • To combat the toxicity, Friendly Fire was removed for thrown device and thrower hits.
  • This change has no influence on the effect of the gadget. For example, throwing a splitter grenade causes no damage to a teammate, but the explosion of the splitter grenade already.

Rarity symbols and cards

  • The recognizability of various rarity categories for items and packing cards has been improved.


  • Added Gamepad functionality.
  • Added support for team loadout.
  • Added support for locked operator icons.
  • Overall improved sounds.
  • Reduced size of the playback file.

Spectator Mode

  • The viewer mode now displays the operators that have been locked by each team, and displays the magazine ammunition in the Loadout info.

Mutual rim light

  • By default, opponents are now highlighted with a marginal light, preventing unfair camouflage. This interface setting can be deactivated in the options menu.

DBNO rating

  • Players are now receiving a kill score when they reflect or completely eliminate an opponent. Players receive an assist score when eliminating an opponent who was already depressed by a teammate.
  • Note: The Kill Feed indicates the name of the last player who held damage to the opponent, regardless of whether he has received a kill or support or not.
  • The DBNO scoring event has been removed. This prevents players from receiving unfair information if they resume an opponent, which is not in their line of line.

Reduction of the screen

  • Screech shakes resulting from explosions are now reduced nationwide and completely removed for certain device explosions. This helps to make shooting more precisely and more competitive.
  • Screech shrouds are completely removed from explosions that are caused by:
    • Elas Grzmot mines
    • Zofias KS79 Lifeline vibration grenades
    • Echos Yokai Schallexplosions
    • Nomads Airjab Launcher repulsion devices

Flinch reduction

  • The animation of the twitch, which previously occurred when an operator of ball damage has been made, is now reduced. This helps to make shooting more precisely and more competitive.

MMR-Rollback 3.0

  • To ensure that fair players retain their MMR (for example, if you win against a scammers), address improvements on the system the most relevant games and limit the time window in a current season when rollbacks occur.
  • The messages displayed by the system have been improved.

Game Health

HP replaces armor

  • The armor of the operator was converted to Health (HP). 3 armor operators have 125 HP, 2 armor operators have 110 HP and 1-Armor operators have 100 HP.

New skill distribution

  • The team has found a trend, in the ranking player who reach Platinum, do not play so much to reach Diamond. For this reason, platinum now has smaller gaps between the skilfronts, and diamond have added more skill ranks, so high-ranking players climb the skill ranks faster and have a better sense of progress.
  • New Platin gaps (old in ...


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