5 things that you need to know before the start of Eso Waking Flame (Update 31)

The MMORPGTE ELDER SCROLLS online will receive the update 31 Waking Flame on August 23, 2021. This continues the narrative train of the gates of Oblivion. Meinmmo gives you an overview of the most important innovations.

When will Waking Flame appear (Update 31)?

The new Update Waking Flame appears on August 23 2021 for PC / Mac & Stadia. For Xbox and PlayStation, the release was postponed from August 31 to September 8, 2021.

From which time can you play Waking Flame (Update 31)?

The time is not known yet, but you can retrieve the server status here at any time (Via eso server status). The servers have been shut down since 8 o'clock.

Do you need ESO + for Waking Flame (Update 31)?

Yes. To run the new DLC dungeons, your ESO + needs. Alternatively, it is also possible to buy the DLC for crowns in the shop. But I recommend you the ESO + variant, as these have more advantages for you.

What are the biggest innovations by Waking Flame?

What do you understand underdevelopes? These are PvEnight for up to 4 players. You can complete it in the difficulty levels normal, veteran and veteran incl. Hardmode.

With the new update, 2 new lease seem to grant an insight into the plot of the upcoming area DLC in Q4. In addition, you can receive a total of 8 new sets in the two.

The new dungeon Red Blossom Bastion

The red flower bastion is located in Glenumbra region. In the dungeon you will receive the quest a rose of many thorns.

Which sets are there?

  • Prior Thierric (Monster Set, 2 Parts)
  • Thundrufcher (light, 5 parts)
  • Horrible gourmet (medium, 5 parts)
  • Silver rose watching (heavy, 5 parts)

The new dungeon The Screenskeller

The horror cellar is in the area dark forest. There you will receive the quest Bebender Horrking.

Which sets are there?

  • Magma's body (monster set, 2 parts)
  • Driving agony (medium, 5 parts)
  • Feast of the scores (light, 5 parts)
  • Gap of the Karmesinschwurs (heavy, 5 parts)

More details about the new sets can be found in the article ESO: Everything we know about the new DLC Waking Flame - Release, Dungeons, Sets

What are the most important changes that affect all players?

Together with the DLC Waking Flame, the update 31 relates to all players of the MMORPG - regardless of whether a player has ESO + or the DLC. In addition, at the beginning of the year, there was an important change to the champion points, which will be further refined with this update.

Adaptation of champion points (CP)

With the update 29 Flames of Ambition, the CP system was fundamentally redesigned. It is divided into 3 attributes for which you can choose 4 active champion points. A more detailed explanation of the adjustments can be found here:

ESO revises the so important champion system - that changes for you.

With the update 30 and Update 31, there are even smaller changes. At Waking Flame, especially adaptation in the red force tree fall. Here it will now give 3 champion points with sub-items.

The change in the red tree concerns the following points:

  • Despite the survivor : mystical tenacity (50), mercilessness (50), escape from pain (50), stock by suffering (50)
  • Wind runners : hasty (16), refreshing step (50), speed (50), hunting solution (50)
  • Convert fortress : Retail Protector (6), soothing shield (50), armature anchor (50), protective magic master (50)

Two new houses

For Housing fans, the new update brings equal to two new houses for setting up: the freshwater cascades in dark research and the carbon black clateau.

Changes to the combat system

All passive skills will be granted both attribute types in the future. This concerns magic and arms force, but also physical resistance and magic resistance.

Changes in the PVP area Cyrodiil

Adaptation of player skills: camouflage and invisibility are only canceled if damage causes direct damage, mass controls (stunning or movement inability) causes or revealing effects (master hunters, revealing blazing).

These players will no longer be opponents in the future:

  • Skills with damage over time (dots)
  • Surface effects with damage over time (Aoes)

In addition, there will be a short time window, in which camouflaged / invisible opponents can not be detected directly by individual skills after this effect.

In the past few months, there were a lot more and more in the PVP area under the performance tests. This applies to the upcoming update:

  • Proc sets and champion points are deactivated
  • The Artefact Weapon Valverse is deactivated

Which sets can you wear now? In principle, you can already equip the sets, but the effects do not come into force. Here is a selection of sets that do not lose your bonuses:

  • Azurplasma
  • Armor of the trainee
  • Equipment of the beekeeper
  • District Alfiq
  • Sophisticated druggr
  • Resistance
  • Brass top
  • Grace of the ancient

THE ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE: To SUB or NOT to SUB? That is the question... * Dogs's anger * Insurmountable armor * Law of Julianos * Leviathan * Mother tears * Saftal doctor * Weaver of the Weber * Thorns of the Zweigles * Will * Agility

Changes in the PVE

In contrast to the PVP, changes are made here with regard to the damage calculation for undead opponents, werewolves or vampires. The passive capability of the doggy guild trace readers retains only against other players the well-known effectiveness.

In addition, the effect of prismatic glyphs is changed. In order for the prismatic weapons enchants to fit better on the topic of triple regeneration in the future, they will (similar to lifeline withdrawal or Magickaraub) to escape the target all three resources.

Adaptation of item sets

Some older item sets are changed, as they were particularly used. The most important sets are the following:

  • Sithis' touch
  • Nikulas
  • Believe
  • Pelinals talent

Is currently the entry into ESO?

Definitive! Since the release of the basic game many functions have been added to make the entry into MMORPG easier. The most important functions we introduce you briefly:

  • Ontamriel - you can travel in every area and everything skates so that it adapts to your level.
  • Reward for the level increase - you get further rewards at a level ride that are useful.
  • Group search - You can engage in the waiting loop for dungeons without having a solid group.
  • Area Guide - About the Map menu (M) the area guide is recalled, which gives you an overview of your quest progress in the area.
  • Faster levels - With the change of the champion point system, the quantity of experience points required for the CP ascension was noticeably reduced noticeably (until CP 1800).

With the extension Blackwood 3 months ago, new features also appeared, which make the game even more advanced than before.

If you are interested more about ESO, you could address this here too:

  • ESO: Guide for farming transmutation crystals
  • ESO: The best Magicka DD builds for beginners
  • ESO: Best people for tank, DD and healer - which you want to choose

A new tutorial: Since Blackwood there is a new tutorial. In it you learn the first steps in the game. At the end of your exploration, however, you can choose how you want to start in the game world. So you have the choice from the basic game, but also the different extensions, which were published later.

All information about the new tutorial can be found here: Finally, ESO gets a real beginning - that's what the new tutorial looks like.

Companions as aid for newcomers : The Companions, who were added to the chapter Blackwood, support you in many activities. Inexperienced players are therefore a little easier to win against enemy NPCs. This makes players who have not found a group or guild a little bit under their arms.

You can also accompany you in Lover. A rungruppe usually consists of 4 players. But it can now also be occupied a player with a companion. So you only need 2 players to make a complete DELIE group.

How do I get a companion? In this guide we show you how to unlock the companions in Blackwood. However, the new extension must be bought in advance to get to the companions.

With the update 29 Flames of Ambition began the exciting narrative of the goals of Oblivion. Waking Flame will not be the last part of this story. What will expect you in the future, you will learn in the article ESO reveals the first details about the coming DLCs - announces new territory of Deadlands.


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